Supporting UCAT
A Letter from the Chaplain
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayer and support. By donating to University Catholic, you are helping me to fulfill our mission to Propose Jesus Christ and Form His Disciples. I know by mine own experience in college hard it is to keep FAITH. But thanks to a Campus Ministry just like UCAT I was able to truly find Jesus Christ and form a everlasting friendship with Him.
At University Catholic we offer Hope, Joy and Truth to every student by proposing Jesus Christ on campus. In addition to daily Mass, Adoration and Confession, UCat offers faith formation, Bible studies, retreats, mission trips, service opportunities and much more.
We also offer numerous opportunities to build genuine friendships. Most often this starts with simple hospitality as we strive to build a home away from home for students and provide them wholesome alternatives to campus life.
Our ministry is made possible only by the generosity of people like you, so I ask you to partner with us. Please remember University Catholic in your regular tithing. Your financial support will help us reach more college students with the Good News of the Gospel and provide them the opportunities to grow in their Catholic faith rather than abandon it as so many young people do during their college years.
You can use the button bellow to donate. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Thank you for partnering with us as we strive to form a new generation of disciples for Christ.
Family Weekends will be held in September and we’d love to meet you. Please join us whichever weekend you’re in town to see what amazing things the Lord is doing through UCat.
Most importantly, please pray for University Catholic and the students on our campuses.
In Christ,
Fr. Rhodes Bolster,