Welcome to UCat Nashville!
Our mission at University Catholic is to Propose Jesus Christ and Form His disciples.
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UCAT to me is home, and everyone is like family.
Nigel MarvinStudent
UCat is a Church family that forms, supports, and inspires me daily. UCat’s lifelong bond of community reminds me of God’s pursuit of me and the urgent need (and wonderful adventure) of seeking sainthood together.
Faith NoahAlumna
As we look at what He has given us and this community, it is hard to discount the value of what UCAT has done to foster and inspire thousands of Holy Souls, including our own, to reach for our best, to live our vocations, to become Saints and bring as many Saints as we can with us.
Mike & Danielle LaLondeAlumni
Because of my formation through University Catholic, I have been able to abandon my “bare minimum” motto. Before I saw Catholicism as a set of rules. Now, I've come to realize I was on top of a gold mine all along. I found the treasure hidden in the field.
Rueben BanalagayGrad Student
I have seen University Catholic transform into a ministry that loves and cares for its students well. At the heart of this ministry is a group of students who love Jesus and allow Him to lead them. I am honored to work here and look forward to see what else the Holy Spirit has in store.
Jenn MahrFOCUS Missionary
A community that supports, inspires, and forms college students to become the saints they’re made to be.
Patrick Deneen Alumnus
I know Emma Kate is leaving college stronger and more active in her faith than ever. As much as we provided a Catholic upbringing, University Catholic is responsible for nurturing and transforming Emma Kate into living an active, Catholic faith-centered life. As parents of four children, John and I are so grateful to you and your ministry.
John and Tracey LivelyEmma Kate's Parents